Julia B. Levine Wins 2024 Poetry Chapbook Prize
5th Jul 2024
We're pleased to announce the winner of this year's chapbook prize, Julia B. Levine, whose collection, Lullaby for the Sixth Extinction, will be published by Wolfson Press in 2025.
In her citation, contest judge Nancy Botkin writes, "The poems in this collection have a strong and assured voice; the poet is in command of language and subject matter. It’s a symphony of sadness, and she hits every somber note with both grace and authority."
Levine’s many awards include the Northern California Book Award in Poetry for Small Disasters Seen in Sunlight (LSU 2014), a 2024 Pushcart Prize, the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry from Nimrod, and a Laureate Fellowship from the Academy of American Poets. She has published widely in anthologies and journals, including The Southern Review, Ploughshares, Prairie Schooner, and The Missouri Review. Her most recent book is Ordinary Psalms (LSU 2021). She lives in Davis, California, where she serves as the current poet laureate working with community groups and schools around the issue of climate change.