Wolfson Staff and Editorial Board

Joseph Chaney, Director of Wolfson Press
Ken Smith, Senior Editor
Kelcey Ervick, Director of the Publications Center (Pub Hub)
David Dodd Lee, Director of 42 Miles Press
Darryl M. Heller, Director of the Civil Rights Heritage Center
Editorial Staff
Michael Kouroubetes, Associate Editor
Josie Polizzotto, Associate Editor
Josiah "Jo" Hackett, Associate Editor
Brooke Plummer, Assistant Editor
Bryce Delaney Walls, Assistant Editor
Robin Dubree, Assistant Editor
Amanda Jenkins, Social Media Editor
Editorial Board
Associated Freelance Book Designers
Sky Santiago
Kurt Lott
Collette Stitsworth
Joel Mattern
Caitlin Schlemmer
Graphic Design Interns
Kylie Gonzalez
Katrina Anderson
Denise McGrath
Danielle Lingle
In Memoriam
David James